Golden Goodrich LLP


Jeff Golden Presents at 2018 CBA OC Travel Seminar in Portugal

Weiland Golden Goodrich LLP is pleased to announce that founding partner Jeffrey Golden presented at The Celtic Bar Association (CBA) MCLE Travel Seminar hosted by the CBA of Orange County and The Orange County Bar Association in Lisbon, Portugal on October 4, 2018. Golden co-presented a section titled “Bankruptcy Survival Skills for the Non-Bankruptcy Attorney”. Hundreds of attorneys from Orange County and around the world attended the event.

Golden is a is a founding partner of Weiland Golden Goodrich LLP. He is a Receiver, Bankruptcy Trustee and Examiner. Golden concentrates his practice in the areas of business reorganization and complex receivership and bankruptcy litigation in the state and federal courts.  He is available to mediate bankruptcy controversies and other commercial disputes. Golden also serves as an expert witness in federal and state criminal and civil matters.